


2017-04-07 13:36分类:电子技术 阅读:



DX-AD-ZXJ-DSL-10.MAN.MA5600(config)#display ?
Command of privilege Mode:
interface interface com
ip-prefix Specify an address pr
policy-based-route Display policy based
routing-table routing-table
socket Display information o
statistics Display statistic inf

DX-AD-ZXJ-DSL-10.MAN.MA5600(config)#display ip interface ?
Command of privilege Mode:
Please press ENTER to
MEth MEth interface
NULL NULL interface
Vlanif Vlan interface
brief Brief summary of IP s
DX-AD-ZXJ-DSL-10.MAN.MA5600(config)#display ip interface lavif 99 //vlan99为该设备的处理vlan

vlanif99 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
The Maximum Transmit Unit : 1500 bytes
Input packets : 35891432, bytes : 266749742
Output packets : 39368476, bytes : 37623676
Directed-broadcast packets:
received packets: 0, sent packe
forwarded packets: 0, dropped pa
ARP packet input number: 654229
Request packet: 652421
Reply packet: 1808
Unknown packet: 0
Internet Address is x.x.x.x //设备telnet处理ip,安全起见暂不写设备ip
Broadcast address : x.x.x.x
TTL invalid packet number: 0
ICMP packet input number: 724559
Echo reply: 0
Unreachable: 671706
Source quench: 0
Routing redirect: 49128
Echo request: 3534
Router advert: 0
Router solicit: 0
Time exceed: 191
IP header bad: 0
Timestamp request: 0
Timestamp reply: 0
Information request: 0
Information reply: 0
Netmask request: 0
Netmask reply: 0
Unknown type: 0

DX-AD-ZXJ-DSL-10.MAN.MA5600(config)#display ip interface mEth 0 //meth 0为该设备接口
meth0 current state : DOWN
Line protocol current state : DOWN
The Maximum Transmit Unit : 1500 bytes
Input packets : 0, bytes : 0, multicasts :
Output packets : 0, bytes : 0, multicasts :
Directed-broadcast packets:
received packets: 0, sent packe
forwarded packets: 0, dropped pa
ARP packet input number: 0
Request packet: 0
Reply packet: 0
Unknown packet: 0
Internet Address is x.x.x.x //设备ip,安全起见暂不写设备ip
Broadcast address : x.x.x.x
TTL invalid packet number: 0
ICMP packet input number: 0
Echo reply: 0
Unreachable: 0
Source quench: 0
Routing redirect: 0
Echo request: 0
Router advert: 0
Router solicit: 0
Time exceed: 0
IP header bad: 0
Timestamp request: 0
Timestamp reply: 0
Information request: 0
Information reply: 0
Netmask request: 0
Netmask reply: 0
Unknown type: 0





